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Burgruine Hohenwaldeck
Insel Wörth
Schifffahrt, Schliersee
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Hike with Mike

by Mike Gendreyzig, 2004

Welcome Hiking Enthusiast!

I'm right on the way putting together all my hiking experiences on this site hiking.genso.de. As part of my overseas traveling I like to climb on mountains to get a better overview of the country and regions, escaping from the cities noise and dust, beeing just closest to the raw nature. But I also like to spend my few spare time with friends making day-trips in nearby Bavarian and Austrian alps, as we did recently when 16 friends went to Schliersee, enjoying a hot and sunny spring day...

Burg & Bier am Schlier(see)

Shortly this tour and more routes will be linked here, introducing relaxing and exciting hiking tours around the globe with personal views and recommendations.

Every unauthorized use of these reports, photos, illustrations and also parts of it is prohibited.

Yours, MIKE.

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© Michael Gendreyzig, 2004-05-20, 2004-05-20 http://mike.genso-it.com/travel/hiking/index.html