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102 km2
N 47°17' / E 11°25'
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UTC+1 (DST Apr-Oct)
Euro (€) = 100 cent
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Kranebitten (INN)

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Innsbruck 2000

I2K - The Innsbruck 2000 New Year Event, Part II

by Mike Gendreyzig, 2003

Eating Out @ Paparazzi

tasty Italian food

toasting on New Year's Eve

On the first evening was the big reunion in the pretty Italian restaurant "Paparazzi". Nasty snap shots are decorating all inside walls, so if you have time besides enjoying the delicious pizza & pasta stroll a bit around to see naked Claudia Schiffer sun-bathing or Presley's wife shopping in L.A, or ...

Bar-Ristorante Paparazzi

So give it a try, it's located right in the center of Innsbruch close to the main station:

Paparazzi - Bar & Ristorante, Adamgasse 3 (phone +43-512-570515).

And drink a bit @ ...

... other more cheerful places like the Chili's and the Theresien Bräu, a micro-brewery:

Chili's: Bozner Platz 6,
phone +43-512-567330
Theresien Bräu: Maria-Theresien-Str. 51-53, A-6020 Innsbruck,
phone: +43-512-587580, fax: +43-512-5875805, open 10-1am

Mexican food & drinks
Chili's Grill & Bar
+ burgers
Mon-Fri 10am-midnight
Saturday Night @ Theresienbräu
Saturday Night @ Theresienbräu

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